General Information

Manuscripts thematically relevant to the Journal’s subject specialisation are to be submitted in digital form. Authors are requested to declare that their results have not been published previously, are not under submission elsewhere and that co-authors are cognizant of the submitted text and agree to its publication in ABJ. By submitting a manuscript the author agrees to the above.

Manuscripts should be addressed to the Editor-in-Chief’s office, by email or contact form:

University ALDENT
Albanian Journal of Biomedical Sciences
Rruga e Dibres 235
Tirana, Albania

Following receipt of a manuscript and decision by the editorial board the corresponding author will be contacted regarding submission of the contribution into peer review proceeding or its rejection. The author will be notified of the results of the review proceedings and requested to submit the final version of the manuscript.
The author is required to either accept reviewer comments or to substantiate refusal of the same, to make any proposed language changes in the text returned to the editorial board, unless successfully refuted, and to highlight any change made to the text.